Imperative React Patterns II - Implementing useListener & useDispatcher with RxJS

July 02, 2023

A cozy image from Midjourney
A cozy image from Midjourney.

As RxJS provides rich tooling for event-driven implementations, I've decided to give it a try by implementing the previous example of action handling hooks (useListener and useDispatcher):

export const createAction = () => {
  const subject = new Subject()

  const useListener = (callback, operator) => {
    const operatedSubject = useMemo(() => {
      return subject.pipe(operator)
    }, [])

    useEffect(() => {
      const subscription =
      return () => subscription.unsubscribe()
    }, [callback])

  const useDispatcher = () => {
    return payload =>

  return { useListener, useDispatcher }

export const createComponentAction = () => {
  const context = createContext()
  const useDispatcher = payload =>
  const useListener = (fn, operator) =>
    useContext(context).useListener(fn, operator)
  const EventProvider = ({ children }) => {
    const createActionRef = useRef(createAction())

    return (
      <context.Provider value={createActionRef.current}>

  const withAction = Component => props =>
        <Component {...props} />

  return {

Since we have access to RxJS operators (such as throttleTime, debounceTime or take etc.), we can do lot more with our actions:

import { debounceTime } from "rxjs"

const AComponentNestedDeepInDomTree = () => {
  useListener(action => {
    console.log("action ", action)
  }, debounceTime(3000))

  return <div>nested</div>

(Try it on Sandbox)

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